In a significant crackdown on drug-related crime, the Kawit Municipal Police Station, under the supervision of PLTCOL Richard D Corpuz, arrested two individuals known as “Jun-jun” and “Jade” on April 24, 2024.
The arrest was made during an anti-illegal drug operation in Brgy. Tabon 1, Kawit, Cavite at approximately 03:30 PM.
The suspects, both residents of Brgy Tabon 1, were apprehended for selling a small heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing a substance suspected to be “Shabu”. They were arrested for violating Sections 5 and 11 of Article II of RA 9165.
Following their arrest, the suspects were informed of their constitutional rights under the Miranda Doctrine and were taken to the Kawit Municipal Police Station for further processing.
The Kawit Municipal Police Station reaffirms its commitment to preventing and eradicating all forms of criminality in the community.